LesWillPhoto - Blog

LesWillPhoto blog. Some gear reviews and updates on workshops I am attending which hopefully can add value to other photographers.

Workshop Experience : Photography Studies College Week #16 and #17

Two weeks in one again this time.  As we are getting to the pointy end of end of semester 1 an our portfolio presentation, our classes have been mainly about image review and getting peer feedback etc.

We did go through White Balance and Colour Balance though which is a very detailed and complex area - if you let it.  As I shoot always in RAW, and I don't necessarily use my viewfinder that much (never for street at least) I normally just keep my WB on AUTo and do any adjustments in post of needed.  When I do portraiture or landscape though, it is good to see exactly what it is you are capturing at the time, so then I do set the WB to the Kelvin that I think I want it too be.  I say think because I am still learning the mixes of light colour and how WB adjustments affect the end image effect I want.

Our tutor Scott who is a master of light and flash and natural went in to how he approaches shoots and the mix of light and thats when it gets really busy.  He also adds gel effects to his flash or light elements to get certain effects and moods which are truly amazing.  This is the absolute art and skill of painting with light, and then capturing it.

Scott also took us through the life of being a professional photographer.  Very illuminating and inspiring, albeit with cautionary notes as with any profession.  Scotts' firm advise was that given where technology and the industry is now, specialisation is key and he advised us to stick to something we know and are good at, and carve out a market with that if we are interested in going full time.  Sound advice.

These are some images I put up for review and possible folio inclusion.  I have also done something  have never done before and submitted two photos in an exhibition for possible judging. Will let you know if anything happens but really its all about being part of the process and at least getting exhibited for a bit (every entry does !).

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