LesWillPhoto - Blog

LesWillPhoto blog. Some gear reviews and updates on workshops I am attending which hopefully can add value to other photographers.

Workshop Experience : Photography Studies College Final Week

Well who would have thought ... the last week of the Semester 1 of the Part Time PSC Pro Certificate course is upon us !

We have all been a mixture of excitement and angst to get our final images together in a presentable format for tutor and peer review for the first and final time.  The whole point of this semester has been to create 6 to 8 images in the categories of Landscape, People, and Object, and then 10 to 12 images in a story of Personal Expression.  All the theory and exercises and failures and reshoots and successes have bought us to this ... a small step for image making personkind.

The environment in which we have been allowed to operate has been great.  Our tutor Scott is just a classic creative and teacher - he has always been supportive and constructive and doesn't hesitate in giving of his expertise to help out.  Very very cool.  The other people doing the course have also on the whole been great peers and feedback givers and supporters to each other.  A great experience all round and one I will continue with next year.

In closing this section of the blog, here are the images that I presented as my final Semester 1 portfolio.

Folio Category : Personal Expression


Folio Category : Landscape


Folio Category : Object

Folio Category : People

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