Exhibition Experience
Well for the first time I along with two other artists (one is my wife who is a painter) will be holding a joint exhibition at a local hotel in November this year.
Its quite an experience already to be planning and working towards actually showing some images publicly and putting a price and market positioning on the work.
Aside from the usual doubts and ego driven rejection phobias, its quite a fun exercise and some of my learnings from my photography studies are really paying off.
Already I am clear of my theme and what I am trying to represent by the images that will eventually be shown. I have a title for the show and a little story abut how it has come about. I have most of the pieces sorted and its all down to arrangement and final presentation fiddlings.
I am going to do only two sizes of images and as they are of the aerial perspective pieces, they will be quite large.
The theme is about how insignificant human impact can be on the landscape when viewed from a different perspective, whilst understanding unfortunately our impact is great overall.
I am excited to be joining two people who are very creative and talented and using a different form to express their views and insights.
Will see how we all go but for me, success will be hanging a few pieces and being exposed publicly..